Shop / premises commercial in Albufeira e Olhos de Água of 63 m²

Property price: €45,000 (€714/m²)
Area: 63 m²
Number of rooms: 1
Number of bedrooms: 1
Number of bathrooms: 1
TRESPASSE PORTUGAL-ALGARVE - CENTER OF THE CITY OF ALBUFEIRA. Great laundry area of 63 m2 fully equipped in the city center, which is fully operational (Rental agreement 500euros / month). Features: 3 Mielle washing machines with a capacity of 20 kg, 10 kg and 6.5 kg. 2 washing machines, brand Mielle with 10 capacity of 10 kg each. 1.5 m wide grid. 1 Washing machine (non-professional) with a capacity of 8 kg. Libraries, shelves, scales, Fridays. Excellent opportunity for those who want to become an entrepreneur in the laundry business.
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